What's next for the UK tech scene — with Gerard Grech, Tech Nation

In today's episode, listen to an interview with Gerard Grech, founding chief executive at Tech Nation, formerly known as Tech City, recorded by our editor Robin Wauters.
In today's episode, listen to an interview with Gerard Grech, founding chief executive at Tech Nation, formerly known as Tech City, recorded by our editor Robin Wauters. 

Here are some things we’ve discussed:
  • How did the pandemic influence the UK ecosystem?
  • The host of startup programmes by Tech Nation
  • Zeroing in on Net Zero
  • What's next for the UK tech scene?
  • The success of the Tech Nation Visa
We hope you enjoy(ed) the podcast! Please feel free to email us with any questions, suggestions, and opinions  to podcast@tech.eu or tweet at us @tech_eu.
What's next for the UK tech scene — with Gerard Grech, Tech Nation
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