The future of search with AI technologies — with Suzanne Lauritzen, Raffle AI

In today’s episode, listen to an interview with Suzanne Lauritzen, Co-founder and CEO at Raffle AI, a next-gen enterprise search engine. 
In today’s episode, listen to an interview with Suzanne Lauritzen, Co-founder and CEO at Raffle AI, a next-gen enterprise search engine.

Andrii Degeler sits down with Suzanne to discuss the future of search with AI-driven search engines and how entrepreneurship can become a primary school subject in Denmark. 
The conversation took place in Copenhagen, at TechBBQ a couple of months ago.

We hope you enjoy(ed) the podcast! Please feel free to email us with any questions, suggestions, and opinions to or tweet at us @tech_eu.
The future of search with AI technologies — with Suzanne Lauritzen, Raffle AI
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