How France, the Netherlands, Latvia, and the EU support startups

Welcome to a new series of special episodes of Podcast, made in collaboration with The Next Web. Over three shows, we’ll talk to VCs, governmental organisations, and startups about the changes in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in times of crisis and the ways for founders to navigate it. Today, we’ll hear from Katerina Borunska (European Commission), Kat Borlongan (La French Tech), Olga Barreto Goncalves (LIAA), and Nils Beers (Techleap).
Here are the links to the profiles of this week’s panellists.

🎙 Katerina Borunska, policy officer at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

🎙 Kat Borlongan, director at La French Tech

🎙 Nils Beers, CEO at Techleap (the Netherlands)

We hope you enjoy this special format — please let us know what you think! Feel free to email us with any questions, suggestions, and opinions at or tweet at @tech_eu and @adegeler.

How France, the Netherlands, Latvia, and the EU support startups
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